The mammalian organ of Corti is comprised of sensory ( inner hair cells and outer hair cells) and supporting cells ( e.g., Hensen, Deiter, Pillar cells). 哺乳动物的Corti器由感觉细胞(内、外毛细胞)和支持细胞(Hensen细胞、Deiter细胞和柱细胞等)组成。
At the 30th day of incubation, the anterior and posterior cristae had basically been formed, and the differentiation of pillar or bottle-shaped hair cells started on the presumptive basilar papilla. 第30天前、后壶腹嵴基本发育成形;预定柯蒂氏器出现了柱状或瓶状毛细胞的分化。
The Deiters cell, the headplates of the pillar cells and the inner pillar cells were also stained, moreover the staining intensity of the headplates of the pillar cells were stronger than OHCs in all turns. 内、外柱细胞和Deiters细胞染色明亮,其中耳蜗各转外柱细胞头板的显色亮度都强于OHCs。
Objective: To investigate the method of isolating partial outer supporting cells ( Deiters 'cells, Hensen cells and Outer pillar cells) from guinea-pig cochlea and to try to establish the morphological criteria for these outer supporting cells viability. 目的:探讨豚鼠耳蜗部分外支持细胞(Deiter细胞、Hensen细胞和外柱细胞)的分离方法,并建立细胞活性的鉴别标准。